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Cow Belles(Krásky od kráv)

9. 12. 2011


Určite ste videli film krásky od kráv.Dám vám tu pár fotiek a info a keď nájdem film tak ho tu tiež dám.Hlavními hrdinkami filmu boli Taylor a Courtney.Takže Alyson Michalka a Amanda Michalka takže aj v skutočnosti sú sestry.Ve´d sa aj podobajú.Ešte tam hrali Jack Coleman-Reed Callum,Michael Trevino-Jackson Meade,Chris Gallinger-Phillipe.

Cow Belles

Cow Belles

Cow Belles


Cow Belles


Cow Belles

Cow Belles

Courtney (Amanda Michalka) and Taylor (Alyson Michalka) try to escape their father's wrath after a particularly disastrous mistake on their part.

Taylor learns to drive a stick shift with the help of a farm boy (Michael Trevino).

Of course, no tween-targeted movie would be complete without a little romance.











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Videla som to veľa krát

(*LesLey*, 12. 12. 2011 19:34)